Saturday, December 16, 2017

Looking ahead to 2018

As the new year approaches, it's time to start thinking about next season, identify the races I'll target, and schedule my training blocks accordingly. 2018 is going to be an interesting new chapter as I focus on duathlon. Most multisport races in eastern Ontario run one or more triathlon and duathlon events, though there are some events that only run as triathlons (Perth, Meech Lake, Barry's Bay), and a few that only run as duathlons (CMC spring/fall Du, Overdrive Series).

Duathlon Central has published a list of duathlon events for 2018, and though they cover two of the three Ontario multisport series (MSC and Subaru), for some reason (southern Ontario bias?) they don't give the Somersault series any coverage.

So, here is what I've been able to come up with for the eastern Ontario duathlon schedule for 2018.

The CMC Duathlons are pretty low key from what I understand, and they haven't established dates for those yet, I'm just guessing at when they'll run them based on previous years. Everything else is official.

2018 Eastern Ontario Duathlon Calendar

CMC Spring Du2/15/4Ingleside5/5/2018
Early Bird2/33/5Ottawa5/19/2018
Ottawa RiverSprint and StandardOttawa6/9/2018
Smiths FallsSprintSmiths Falls6/23/2018
GatineauSprint and StandardGatineau7/7/2018
Carleton Place2/30/5Carleton Place7/15/2018
National Capital2/30/5 and StandardOttawa7/28/2018
MSC Kingston4/30/7Kingston8/5/2018
1000 IslandsSprintBrockville8/19/2018
The Canadian2/30/5Ottawa9/1/2018
CMC Fall Du2/15/4Ingleside9/15/2018

An interesting mix of distances available. The usual sprint (2.5/20/5) and standard (5/40/10) distances, plus quite a few sprints with a 30K bike, which should appeal to strong cyclists. My threshold for "eastern Ontario" is races that I would reasonable drive to the morning of... hence my inclusion of the technically-in-Quebec Gatineau race (30 minute drive for me) but not, for example, the Overdrive races (about 3.5 hours).

I don't think any other races will materialize, unless some previously tri-only races offer duathlons, so this is likely what's on offer for 2018. I've got a good idea of which races I'll plan on, but as per usual we'll see where my fitness is and what life dishes out.